2-D simulations of dendritic growth of a pure substance with flow in the melt
by Xinglin Tong
Parameters: Dimensionless supercooling = 0.55; anisotropy strength: 0.03, Prandtl number = 23.1; D = 2; uniform inlet velocity = 1.0 (in dimensionless form); others.
Computational details: Grid: 1024x2048; the entire transient simulation took about 200 CPU hours on an alpha workstation - corresponding simulations without flow take about 2 hours (the no-flow version of the code is from A. Karma).
We would like to offer this and other simulations as a computational benchmark. We can provide quantitative information on the tip speeds, curvatures, velocities, etc.
3-D simulations of dendritic growth of a pure substance with flow in the melt
by Yili Lu
2-D simulations of free dendritic growth of a dilute binary alloy with coupled heat and solute diffusion
by Juan Ramirez
The above simulations are described in detail in the following publication: Ramirez, J.C., and Beckermann, C., "Examination of Binary Alloy Free Dendritic Growth Theories with a Phase-Field Model," Acta Materialia, Vol. 53, pp. 1721-1736, 2005.
Parameters: dimensionless supercooling = 0.55, dimensionless composition = 0.04, anisotropy strength = 0.02, Lewis number = 100, partition coefficient = 0.15, no solute diffusion in solid, no kinetics, no solute trapping.
The left movie shows how the grid is adapted in the simulation: a fine grid is used only in the inner quadrant where the dendrite grows and where there are strong species concentration gradients (U field); a grid that is four times coarser is used for the outer quadrants in order to accomodate the long tails of the thermal boundary layer (Theta field) in front of the growing dendrite; the total domain size is constant; as the dendrite grows, the grid is adapted periodically (five times in the movie) by enlarging the fine grid region at the expense of the course grid region. This saves a lot of computer time.
The simulation was performed using the phase-field model published in: J.C. Ramirez, C. Beckermann, A. Karma, and H.J. Diepers, "Phase-field modeling of binary alloy solidification with coupled heat and solute diffusion," Physical Review E, Vol. 69, 051607 (16 pages), 2004.
2-D simulations of coupled columnar and equiaxed dendritic growth in directional solidification of a binary alloy
by Arnoldo Badillo
Images are for increasing imposed temperature gradient from left to right.
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